Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My Heart Draws a Code

Hari ini, gw g ada topik lagi, jadi seperti biasa, gw bakal ngepost jeritan hati gw, seekor beruang yang terjebak di antara concrete jungle

si uu akld sauer mch

Ini adalah sebuah kode, yang merupakan enkripsi dari kalimat yang kebetulan aja melintas di kepala gw, hehehe. Ayo pecahkan!

Tantangan ini ditujukan kepada semua pembaca blog ini, terutama para smartass dari ex IPA A dan STEI! Buktikan kegedekanmu!


zaza said...

don't have a clue except for the word 'akld' which i suspected for being 'love'. did i get that right?

zaza said...

do u really want me to write the meaning of the code??

AnonDelivers said...

we sir either did not comprehend with your heart code or simply put anon is at adhy's nest atm making thinking not possible..

grammer iz fyutille,,

M. Shahriza said...

I have successfully break the code !
"rishadku call me"
add one letter l and dispose two u's and one s
am I right or am I right ?
it's ok to be gay, brother...